Intuitive problem solving
When you encounter a problem with another person or a difficult situation, it's easy to feel angry, helpless or even run down.
It's tempting to want to focus on the problem and use it as an excuse for your own negativity and inaction.
As long as your focus is on someone else, you lose the ability to focus inward and get reconnected to your energy and power.
Pausing to get in tune with your energy is often the most productive first step to resolve the problem.
This is because the problem can be a manifestation of an energetic block or misalignment, so you might be reacting to the symptoms of the issue and not the cause.
When you take time to listen to your intuition, you will begin to recognize your old programming, insecurities and fears. These can play a big part in creating or contributing to the issue.
You will start to see ways that you can make different choices and respond differently.
With each situation lies the opportunity for spiritual growth and healing.
Steps to Follow When Intuitive Problem Solving:
Ground yourself. When facing a difficult problem, it is especially important that you ground your third chakra power center - located in your solar plexus.
Get in touch with your true feelings around the issue. Be honest with yourself.
Determine what the deeper issue really is - the source of the block or misalignment. While you might think the problem is external, it could be old patterns and beliefs that are co-creating the problem.
If possible, give yourself time to get in alignment. It is better to say "Let me think about it" rather than reacting in way that can make the problem worse.
Practice taking that path in your mind. Feel yourself no longer stressed out or un-empowered.
If you need additional help, I'm offering a special reading this month to focus on healing and unblocking your third chakra power center to get you ready for any challenge.