Heart & Soul
I recently watched a documentary series on Netflix - "The Surgeon's Cut”.
It's not the kind of show I would typically watch, so I was surprised by how moving and inspiring it was.
Each episode follows the story of a doctor and their personal and professional journey.
Episode 4 "Heart & Soul" is about Dr. Devi Shetty, a renowned cardiologist in India.
When Dr. Shetty was a small child, his mother was seriously ill. He remembered learning that her doctor was someone who could potentially save her and give her life. In his words, that was like being "God".
This early experience never left him, and you can see the seed of reverence for doctors grow and transform into a profound connection to something bigger than himself.
As he became an expert cardiologist, he developed the ability to save lives, to give children born with heart defects a chance at a normal life and to keep loved ones with their families.
Through his deep spiritual connection, he sees saving people as doing the work of the divine and it gives him both purpose and joy. He sees it as his calling and responsibility.
Dr. Shetty finds creative ways to treat as many patients as possible, regardless if the patients are rich or poor or if they can pay or not. No patient who needs heart surgery goes untreated!
You can see the pure joy in his face when he tells a family that their baby will fully recover and lead a normal, healthy life.
The only thing he asks of his patients is that they "pay it forward" whenever they can - that they go out into the world and spread empathy and kindness.
Acts of kindness and empathy connect you to spirit. When you give without any expectation of reward, it raises your vibration and that of everyone and everything around you.
At times, it can be challenging to put aside your personal issues and worries to do something purely selfless.
I've found that staying grounded is a great first step in connecting to spirit and opening yourself up to opportunities for service.
This holiday season, I encourage everyone to do something to help others. There are many ways to do this and no act is too big or too small. You'll be amazed at the impact your kindness will have.