chakra awakening
Chakras connect you to your soul and reveal information about your health, finances, relationships, career, personal growth and spiritual gifts.
During the reading, I connect to your energy to read the 7 major chakras and give you information about each one.
Often a chakra will require an energetic healing so that you can get back in touch with your intuition and learn to trust your choices.
Each chakra session is different and always reveals what you need to hear in that moment.
Feeling disconnected or out of your body? This reading is perfect for anyone who wants to get back in flow as well as learn how to work with their inner voice to restore peace and calm.
Reading includes guided meditation and insight into your current physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state.
We receive information about where your energy is and more importantly where it wants to be so that you may get re-aligned. When you are energetically back in balance, you will be able to see more clearly the next step along your path.
Is your relationship built on co-dependency or unconditional love? Do you fear intimacy? Have a hard time being vulnerable or put too many expectations on your partner?
During the reading, I will take a look at how the relationship is affecting your mental and emotional well-being and suggest different ways for you to interact as well as to refocus your energy.
We track the patterns and behaviors that each of you brings to the dynamic so that it is possible to connect from a much deeper place and experience a whole-hearted love.
Any time you have a significant relationship with someone, a cord of attachment is created between you both.
When a cord of attachment exists, it’s hard to separate the energy of the connected person, so it’s easy to take on their challenges and growth periods.
Cutting a cord of attachment will help you emotionally and energetically disconnect from a past relationship or heal a present one.
Whether you are looking to take a step in your career or wanting to make an existing situation better, an intuitive career reading is for you.
This is a wonderful opportunity to get connected to what motivates you so that you can get more in alignment with your gifts and talents.
Learn how to access your own intuition for inspired ideas and to create with passion and joy.
Sessions include a deep energetic cleanse to release blocks and limiting beliefs that inhibit growth and success. At the end of each session I give you exercises and tools to help you on your path.
This powerful reading gets you in touch with your creative energy, balances male/female energies and validates your female power. A female reading is a great way to bring you more into present time as well as focus on topics specific to the feminine divine.
One aspect of the reading is to bring attention to pictures, emotions and beliefs stored in the female channel. It is not uncommon to see female archetypes, stereotypes and other societal roles from our ancestral past getting in the way of you connecting to your own power and information.
During the reading, I do healing work specifically on limiting thoughts, and beliefs so you can let go of old programs and create new paradigms. Learn how to trust yourself and to find the joy within.
Focused question(s) and energy work on a specific topic
Topics can include:
Past Life
Spirit Guides
Pet Communication