Avoid Avoidance
There may be times when you feel disconnected from your soul and intuition.
How can you tell when you are disconnected?
You might feel stuck, ungrounded, angry, guilty, self-destructive, manic, etc.
One of the reasons you disconnect is to avoid dealing with a painful or challenging issue.
Your soul understands that if you dealt with the situation, it would be a path to growth and healing.
However, because the problem is so emotionally triggering, you unconsciously block your intuition and try to rationalize it or distract yourself.
The good news is that you can always reconnect with your soul!
One way is through meditation. Make time and space to practice meditation every day.
While meditating, release any distracting thoughts that come up. Your avoidance will try to kick in, so practice quieting your mind when this happens. Remember to focus on your breathing!
When you’ve achieved a calm, grounded place, start to pay attention to the thoughts, feelings and images that are coming up. Maybe you’re consciously aware of the situation that you are avoiding, maybe you’re not.
Explore what comes up for you. It might be uncomfortable, so give yourself time to go through the process. Be gentle with yourself and if things become too overwhelming, return to your calm state by focusing on your breath.
Listen to the voice within. If your intuition is guiding you to take some action, follow it. See things working out in a way that’s empowering and healing. Your soul will often manifest these opportunities so be open to them.