Heal Yourself with gold light

Emotional and energetic blocks can manifest in our bodies as pain, disease or other health issues.

Recently, I worked with a client who was having trouble becoming pregnant due to some reproductive issues. She was undergoing treatment, however doctors told her that she should not expect much and that she should definitely not get her hopes up about conceiving.

I began our session by setting up my space to look at her female energy and tune into her creative energy.

Right away, I noticed her 1st and 2nd chakras were blocked by a dark, heavy mud- like substance that was restricting the flow of energy and clogging the female channel.

The picture accompanying the block was that she was afraid of being stifled creatively. Coincidentally, she made her living in the arts and – at the time of our reading – her business had come to a stand still. Family programming had made her fearful that she wasn’t going to be able to be a mum and still be independent and creative. The dark energy represented the effort she was in as well as the anxiety she had about not being in control of the next chapter of her life.

As I was draining the dark energy away, I immediately began to flush the area with gold light.

Why? Because gold light is the powerhouse of all healings! It’s the highest vibration you can use as it comes directly from the Universe.

As I continued to flush gold light into the blockage, I began to see more and more of her life force energy returning as the darkness drained away.

As my client was getting her own energy back, she commented on the lightness and the tingling sensation that she was experiencing. As we completed the healing, she told me that – for the first time – she wasn’t worried, that she could absolutely see herself having a baby and how ecstatic and joyful that would make her feel.

You can use gold light to heal yourself and ANY situation in your life.

If you have a sore leg, go ahead and send gold light to your leg and feel the energy melt into the area. The faster you run gold through the area, the more power and energy you will experience!

Watch and become aware as gold energy flows through each cell and radiates this new vibration.

When you connect with Universal energy and use gold light, you can heal pains and aches, regenerate cells, remove blocks and rebalance your energy…you can do it all!

Like everything, the more you practice this technique, the more you will notice a difference in your energy.


Avoid Avoidance


Making Genuine Connections