Many of us have been in situations where we have given away our power.
When you give away your power, you literally give your energy to another person.
People give away their power for different reasons:
· Family, cultural or gender programming
· Group pressure
· Idolization or envy of other people
· Avoidance or apathy
· Lack of confidence/self-esteem
· Not wanting to establish healthy boundaries
· Seeking Approval
· Fear of speaking up
· Looking outward for answers rather than within
When you give away your power, you become disconnected from your intution and this can cause energetic imbalances and blocks in your body.
The first step in reclaiming your power is to become aware of any interactions or situations that cause you to give it away.
One way to do this is to notice what happens to your third chakra. The third chakra is in your solar plexus and is responsible for personal power. When you are giving away your power this area will feel tight, tense and nervous.
Begin by taking a few deep belly breaths.
Breathe gold light down through your body. Let gold light soak into your solar plexus and expand into your belly. Feel it melting away any tension and heavy energy before exhaling out. Repeat until you feel calm and your sense of power has been restored.
If you are still feeling unempowered, it can be a sign that you have a blocked third chakra – your power center. If this is the case, then it might be time for a third chakra tune up and rebalancing session.