Every day you are inundated with information. Messages from work, friends, family, social media and the news flood your awareness.
You get so many notifications, it's easy to become overwhelmed and get distracted by focusing on things that are not important.
As a result, you might miss an important message!
This also happens with your intuition.
The Universe is constantly sending you messages about opportunities for growth that are in keeping with your soul and spiritual path.
These messages might take the form of an intuitive gut feeling or a synchronistic event that puts you in the right place at the right time.
Why do these messages get missed or ignored?
Opportunities for growth involve stepping out of your comfort zone, taking chances and putting yourself out there.
Fear, insecurity, doubt, perfect pictures, and other unhealthy coping mechanisms can block you from recognizing a message from your soul and saying YES to an opportunity.
Also, intuitive messages can be so quiet that sometimes it's easy to miss them, or worse talk yourself out of them!
How can you can identify and tune into messages from your intuition?
The first step is to spend at least 10 minutes a day grounding and meditating . This will help quiet distracting thoughts and background chatter.
Once your mind is calm, make yourself open to new information. If there is a specific question you need answered, see the situation in your mind and tune into the pictures and feelings you are receiving.
When you practice tuning into your intuition, let go of expectations about a timeline for a specific outcome.
Just be open and TRUST in the process.
As you become more aligned to your intuition, pay attention to your dreams, new feelings and magical synchronicities that start to happen around you.
If you are wanting to develop your intuition further, I have a new offering:
The Intuition Development Session begins with a guided meditation to calm and relax you.
During the session, we will clear out any emotional and energetic blocks and look at what these issues represent.
Once you are open, you will learn how to recognize and trust your intuition.
Book the intuitive development session here