Tips to Balance Your Third Chakra

Negative and stressful things happen! We all know someone (or maybe it’s us) who is going through a difficult or traumatic time - a relationship issue, job loss or a health problem.

When these things happen, you tend to feel angry and helpless. Your sense of confidence and purpose is challenged. Anxiety kicks in and the nagging voice of self-doubt and insecurity takes over.

Any situation where you feel unempowered will create an imbalance or block in your third chakra.

That’s because your third chakra is your personal power center and your source of strength. Its location is about 2 inches above your belly button – in the upper abdomen. Confidence, self-acceptance and boundary setting all come from a healthy third chakra.

So, what can you do to regain your power when life throws you a curveball?

It sounds like a cliché, but you can start by taking a deep breath.

Breathing is one of the easiest and most effective ways to restore balance and harmony to your chakras.

Take a deep breath and gently send it down into your belly. As you exhale, feel the energy begin to flow more freely.

Continue taking deep, calming breaths. Focus on the air gently moving in and out. With each exhale, focus on releasing feelings of anger and fear.

If your mind starts to wander, pause and then re-focus on your breathing.

Imagine a golden ball of energy coming down over your head.

See the ball of gold energy reach your upper abdomen. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, feel the gold energy washing away any stress and negativity.

Continue sending this energy to your third chakra until you feel the healing effect.

Do this anytime you need to balance your third chakra.

If you find your third chakra is still sluggish then getting an energy reading will be a great help.

Unlock Your Third Chakra

In this reading, I will look at what is blocking you from having a healthy and balanced third chakra. This is helpful for anyone who wants to experience greater self-esteem and regain control of their life.


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