If you have worked with me before, there's a good chance you've heard me say you are not in present time.

What do I mean by not being in present time?

This is when you find yourself distracted and unable to focus on the things happening around you.

It often starts the same way: something in your life creates uncertainty and makes you feel anxious and stressed.

As an escape from these feelings, you might start to focus on the future. You fantasize about being in a different situation. You see yourself somewhere else, with someone else, in a different job, house, with different friends...

Maybe your escape mechanism is to focus on the past. If there was a particularly happy, safe or exciting time in your life, you reminisce about this period.

Of course, dreaming about your future and revisiting the past are a natural part of being human. It is only a problem when you lose touch with reality and live in a state of denial.

When you are not in present time, you ignore your intuition and miss important information and messages from the Universe. You are not reacting to events in real time.

You find yourself making important decisions based on the person you were 10 years ago, or the person you might be in 10 years.

The best way to avoid these pitfalls is to bring your energy into present time.

When you get back into present time, you feel fully centered and connected to the people around you. You regain your self-confidence and create opportunities that are more aligned with your soul. You are less concerned by what other people are doing because you feel more empowered. You can deal with anything!

Here's a quick exercise to help you stay present.


Start by taking a few deep breaths - in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Create a new strong grounding cord.

Feel your connection to the Earth.

If distracting thoughts or feelings come up, see them fall away down your grounding cord.

When you feel calm and grounded, practice being in the moment.

Make space for one issue causing you stress.

Breathe and send any feelings of anxiety down your grounding cord.

Open yourself up to intuition. Think about a simple step you can take to address the issue.

See the situation starting to resolve in your mind.

Don't worry if you don't get anything at first. Eventually, you will.

Remember, you are in a safe space and if it becomes too overwhelming, just breathe and send everything down your grounding cord. Try again later.


Energetic Alignment


Step into 2022