Staying present

We all love to reminisce about happy things from our past. Maybe we lived somewhere special, had a significant relationship, or had great friends in school or college.

Sometimes we dwell on the past regretfully: “If only I had…”

Keeping your attention focused on the past tends to make you unempowered and ungrounded.

At best, when you dwell on the past, you romanticize things. You give your energy and focus to events, people or places that have no relevance to where you are now.

At worst, you live in a constant state of regret and dissatisfaction. You feel like you are a victim of things that happened.

It's better to keep your focus in the present moment.

Being present means you consciously focus your awareness on the here and now and you are responding to life in real time.

You can make changes and create new positive experiences that move you forward.

You can let go of old emotions like fear and anger that controlled you in the past.

Over time, you feel rejuvenated and empowered because your energy is not sent down a blackhole of regret and despair.

When you free yourself from the past and live in the present, you stay connected, feel more open-hearted and are less judgmental.

Here’s an exercise I use to bring my awareness back to the present

Close your eyes

Take a few long deep breaths

Visualize a white light just above your head

Breathe in the white light and send it down into your belly

With each exhale, let go of any distracting thoughts and worries

Continue to breathe in and out

If your attention starts to wander, refocus on the white light

How are you feeling? How’s your breathing?

Do this a few minutes each day to experience being in the here and now.


Intuition Quick Tips

