Intuition VS Ego
When you face a big decision, you might reach out to friends and loved ones for advice. You also spend time soul-searching and agonizing over the choice.
When you think about the choice, there are two competing voices giving you information: your ego and your intuition.
Information from your ego is often rooted in fear and insecurity and it's disconnected from your spiritual wisdom.
Messages from your intuition are guided by your soul and your connection to love, creativity and your spiritual growth.
How can you tell if your inner voice is coming from your ego or your intuition?
Information from your ego makes you feel:
Frantic and chaotic
Information from your intuition makes you feel:
In flow
When you listen to your intuition, it leads you to choices that defy conventional logic and aligns you to your authentic self and purpose.
Exercise: Connect to Your Intuition
This exercise can help you tell the difference between your ego and your intuition.
Quiet your mind: Find a peaceful space where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths to center yourself.
See the situation in your mind: Think about a decision you're currently facing. Notice any thoughts or feelings that arise.
As any emotions come up, breathe and let them go.
Ask for guidance on the situation and take note of the first thing that pops into your head.
Repeat this exercise daily. Intuition is like a muscle - the more you use it, the easier it will be to connect to it and trust it.