With everything happening in the world, it's understandable to feel fearful and uncertain of what's next.
In addition, problems in your own life might be making you feel anxious, indecisive and exhausted.
Living like this for an extended period can shut you down and cause you to feel stuck.
Here are a few signs that you are stuck:
Feeling out of options
Resistance to new ideas
Feeling uninspired
Constant health issues
When you find yourself stuck, you're probably disconnected from your intuition - your link to Universal energy and knowledge.
The good news is that you can get unstuck by reconnecting to your intuition!
Your intuition is always there for you. It's trustworthy and illuminates your path forward. It will give you a sense of knowingness – a gut feeling that something is true.
When you use your intuition, you feel more confident, calm and positive.
Here's a great way to practice listening to your intuition.
Start to breathe deeply
Focus on your breath
Visualize breath coming down into your belly
Let your breath release any distracting thoughts
Allow your body to relax
Open yourself up to messages and insights
If you have a specific question, ask it.
Be open to information that comes to you instantaneously – it might be a picture, a thought or a sensation.
Learn to trust - don't judge or overthink the answer.