Trust Your Intuition

Every day you are inundated with information. Messages from work, friends, family, social media, news, and apps flood your awareness.

You get so many notifications, it's easy to become overwhelmed and tune out or get distracted by focusing on things that are not important.

As a result, you might miss an important message!

This also happens with your intuition.

The Universe is constantly sending you messages about opportunities for growth that are in keeping with your soul and spiritual path.

These messages might take the form of an intuitive gut feeling or a synchronistic event that puts you in the right place at the right time.

Why do these messages get missed or ignored?

Opportunities for growth involve stepping out of your comfort zone, taking chances and putting yourself out there.

Fear, insecurity, doubt, perfect pictures, and other unhealthy coping mechanisms all get in the way of recognizing a message and seizing the opportunity.

Also, intuitive messages can be so quiet that sometimes it's easy to miss them, or worse talk yourself out of them!

What are ways you can identify and tune into messages from your intuition?

Spend at least 10 minutes a day grounding and meditating.

When you practice quieting your mind and letting go of distractions, you tune into your inner guidance. This helps you recognize the difference between your defense mechanisms and your intuition.

If there's a particularly difficult choice you are facing, visualize yourself in both situations. Do you feel excited and energized by the choice or is it more of the same comfortable, safe situation?

Be open to inspiration and synchronicity. When you practice tuning into your intuition, the right choice or opportunity feels organic, hopeful and expansive. It sounds fun!

If you are still struggling to trust your intuition, I'm offering a new Follow Your Intuition Reading


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